Friday, March 16, 2012

Energy Efficiency

With the prices of fossil fuels going up every year (with the exception of natural gas) it’s clear that something is going on.  Fossil fuels are going to run out, it’s kind of in the name isn’t it? They are made of fossils and let’s face it, making those takes some time.  Here’s the problem though, our society runs off this stuff and renewables just aren’t there yet. There’s no way we are going to supply all of our energy needs off renewables at this point. I really wish it that wasn’t the case, so what are we to do? Buy some time that’s what!
Image from Home Energy Efficiency Scheme
 Energy efficiency is the currency in which we’ll pay for renewable energy to catch up.  No one wants to change the way they are living right now. Who really wants to live a simpler life, have smaller cars and a darker house? No one that I know, but if you are able to do all the same things are you used to but use lease energy, why not? It saves money and helps save the earth and that’s the cool thing to do. 
Anyway let’s get down to how you can really make some changes to help reduce your energy consumption while still maintaining your lifestyle. There the wicked simple changes like switching out your light bulbs for energy efficient ones, driving slower, having outdoor lights on motion sensors and unplugging electronics when not in use.  Next you could replace old refrigerators for newer more energy efficient ones.  There are often rebates for buying these keep an eye out on this website (Rebates).  Thinking even bigger you could have your home insulated to reduce heating and cooling costs (for rebates and incentives ). Lastly if your not sure what you may have forgot or missed national grid offers free home energy audits (more info here)

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